Users & Roles

Swarmia supports role-based access control and GitHub SSO.

Adding new users

Swarmia utilizes GitHub SSO that provides secure logins & access. All members of your GitHub organization can access Swarmia with their GitHub login. If you want to add new users access to Swarmia, you can add them to your GitHub organization.

By default, the first user in your organization (who connected Swarmia to GitHub) will have admin rights and can add new admins.

Roles and permissions

Swarmia supports role-based access control. Supported roles are:

  • Admin. Can add new admins and manage integrations and investment category configurations.
  • Member. The default for all new users. Cannot edit admin settings restricted only to admins.

What do I do when my organization has no admins?

It is possible for your Swarmia account to have no admin if all users that had admin rights in Swarmia are removed from your GitHub organization.

In this case, email us at, and we'll help you move forward.