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  2. Using Swarmia
  3. Measure developer experience with Surveys

Viewing and sharing survey results

Survey results are available in CSV format for surveys that have ended

Results are available only from surveys that have ended. You can't view results from live surveys, but you can download a participation report for them.

To access a survey's results, click on the name of a survey that has ended, or select View results from the right-side menu.

Analyzing the results


The heatmap shows a color-coded overview of each team's average ratings across the survey.

You can see the number of responses from a particular team by hovering your mouse on the row.

The scores are aggregated on all levels of the team hierarchy. You can expand and collapse teams to view just the scores you're interested in.survey-results-team-controls

The main overview shows average scores across all the questions in a topic. You can expand the topics to see a more detailed breakdown by each question.




A more detailed view of question scores will be added soon!


On the Comments tab, you can see all the comments by topic, question, and team.



On the Participation tab, you can see the response rate in each team.


Publishing the results

After the survey ends, the results are first available only to the survey creator and admins. This allows you to review them before sharing them with your team.

❌ If the results contain sensitive or offensive comments that should be removed, contact Swarmia to get them removed.

When you're ready to show the results to others, select Publish results in the top-right corner. Everyone in your Swarmia organization will get access to the results. You'll also get a link to share them easily with the teams.



Unpublish survey results

❌ Published results can be unpublished from the survey report view.

Downloading the results

You can also export the results to use them elsewhere. Just click the Download survey results button in the top-right corner.


You'll get a ZIP archive with three comma-separated values (CSV) files:


One row for each team-question pair:

  • question: The question the rating relates to
  • questionGroup: The topic the question belongs to
  • team: The team associated with this rating (selected as their primary team by the respondents)
  • rating: The average rating the team gave for the question on a scale from 1 to 5 (excluding skips)
    • If everyone in the team skipped the question, the value null is shown
  • numberOfSkips: The number of people in the team who skipped the question
  • totalNumberOfRespondents: The number of people in the team who selected it as their primary team and responded to the survey (= rated or skipped the question)


One row for each comment:

  • question: The question the comment relates to
  • questionGroup: The topic the question belongs to
  • team: The primary team the comment's author selected in the survey
  • comment: The contents of the comment
  • authorName: The name of the user who wrote the comment


One row for each team:

  • totalNumberOfRespondents: The number of people in the team who responded to the survey
  • totalNumberOfTeamMembers: The number of people in the team who had access to the survey