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Syncing data for private Linear teams

How to sync issue data for private teams in Linear to Swarmia

Swarmia does not sync data for private teams in Linear by default, since the data might be confidential and shouldn't be shown to everyone that has access to your Swarmia instance.

However, this can be overridden if desired. The process currently requires some manual steps that are described below:

1. Reach out to our customer support at hello@swarmia.com and request to turn on syncing of private Linear teams.

2. We do not get webhooks for private teams automatically, so you will need to create those manually in the Linear UI. Follow the instructions below.

3. Map the Linear teams to Swarmia teams as per usual in settings. You might need to click the "Refresh Linear teams" button if the private teams are not showing up.

After that, the private teams should be showing up correctly in Swarmia.

Creating a webhook for a private team

We do not get webhooks for private teams automatically, so you will need to create those manually in the Linear UI.

In Linear, navigate to Settings -> API -> New webhook.

Create a new webhook for each private team you want to track in Linear with these exact specifications:

After clicking create, we will start receiving updates for that team's data changes.