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Integrating with Linear

Learn how to set up your Linear integration with Swarmia.

With the Linear integration, you'll be able to see your commits and Pull Requests in the context of your Linear issues and projects.

  • Connecting the Linear workspace needs to be done only once
  • You can map the Linear teams (and their issues) to teams on Swarmia
  • We automatically map the issue statuses on Swarmia based on the Linear statuses

Step 1: Connecting Linear

We ask you to connect Linear when connecting your GitHub organization to Swarmia. You can also do this later from Settings → Integrations → Linear.

The integration is simple: we ask you to authenticate your Linear workspace, and proceed to synchronize the data and create webhooks to keep everything up to date.

Step 2: Configuring teams

To ensure we get the right issues for each team, we ask you to map the Linear team (or teams) to the teams on Swarmia. This can be done for each team in Settings → Team → Issues.

Note: we only sync non-private Linear teams by default. To enable syncing private teams as well, contact our support at hello@swarmia.com.

Tips for structuring work in Linear

Use projects in Linear for work that spans a longer period (weeks or months) but still has a limited scope. This way, you can use Work Log to see how your team is splitting their time between these projects. You can recognize some common patterns, like projects with only one person working on them, or projects that are not progressing due to other priorities. Use Working Agreements to help address these issues.

Add a Bug/Defect label to issues to treat them as bugs in Swarmia. Bugs are shown in their own lane in Work Log and Bug insights.

How to disconnect your Linear Integration

You can disable the integration in Linear app.

Settings -> My Account -> Security & Access -> Authorized Applications -> Swarmia -> Revoke access

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