How we show your survey responses

Responses are reported by team. You can choose whether to show your name in comments.

You need to be logged in to respond to a survey in Swarmia. We link your responses to your Swarmia profile and handle the information confidentially according to our Privacy Policy. The survey administrators can see only the information described in this article. They'll have an option to share the results with the rest of your organization.

How we report ratings

We report ratings in aggregate by team. We don't disclose which rating each individual has given.

aggregates by team

Each response is linked to only one team. If you're a member of multiple teams in the survey's audience, you can choose your primary team when starting the survey.


In some cases, such as very small teams, inferring identities from team aggregates might be possible.

If your team is part of a higher-level team, you can choose to record your response to it (as long as the survey creator has included it in the audience).

You can skip individual questions if you don't feel comfortable answering them.

How we report comments

Comments are a way to contribute your improvement ideas related to the survey's themes. You can choose whether to link your name to each of your comments. We recommend commenting with your name to foster more open and actionable discussion.

If you don't want to associate yourself with a comment, you can tick the Hide my name checkbox.

You can add both comments with and without your name to the same question. You'll see a preview of how each comment will be shown in the survey results.


Even if you choose to hide your name from a comment, we still show it comes from your team. In some cases, such as very small teams, it might be possible to guess who gave the comment.

It might also be possible to identify you based on your writing style.