Linking Pull Requests (PRs) to Issues allows you to group work by Issues.
Swarmia can automatically detect Issue links from PRs in any of the following ways:
- Mention the issue key in the Pull Request title (e.g. Foobar [CLOUD-123])
- Mention the issue key at the beginning of the Pull Request description (e.g. CLOUD-123 description description description)
- Add the issue key URL (e.g. in the Pull Request description.
- Start the Branch name in GitHub with the issue key (e.g. CLOUD-123-foo) or use it after a slash (e.g. myname/bug/CLOUD-123-foo)
There are two additional ways to link PRs to Issues in Swarmia:
- Link PRs to Issues on the Pull Request page of Swarmia
- Enable the Link pull requests to issues Working Agreement in Swarmia to link PRs to issues directly in Slack. The notification will be sent as a direct message to the person who merged a PR that's not already linked to an issue.