How do I link Pull Requests to Issues in practice?

Linking Pull Requests (PRs) to Issues allows you to group work by Issues.

Swarmia can automatically detect Issue links from PRs in any of the following ways:

  • Mention the issue key in the Pull Request title (e.g. Foobar [CLOUD-123])
  • Mention the issue key at the beginning of the Pull Request description (e.g. CLOUD-123 description description description)
  • Add the issue key URL (e.g. in the Pull Request description.
  • Start the Branch name in GitHub with the issue key (e.g. CLOUD-123-foo) or use it after a slash (e.g. myname/bug/CLOUD-123-foo)

There are two additional ways to link PRs to Issues in Swarmia:

  • Link PRs to Issues on the Pull Request page of Swarmia
  • Enable the Link pull requests to issues Working Agreement in Swarmia to link PRs to issues directly in Slack. The notification will be sent as a direct message to the person who merged a PR that's not already linked to an issue.
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