Configuring Jira settings for your organization

Every organization uses Jira in a slightly different way. That's why we let you configure your Jira settings in a way that supports your teams current practices.

First, confirm that all the necessary Jira Projects have been synced to Swarmia. These can be edited at any time by an admin. Once a project has been fully synced, a green check mark will appear.

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Next, head to the 'General' tab and setup Issue Types in Swarmia. These might be as simple as an Epic in Jira is an Epic in Swarmia. But, if your organization is using any kind of customer issue type other than the four shown below, you will need to make sure it's mapped properly in order to view the data in Swarmia.

For example, if you have support tickets that you would like to track in Swarmia, try adding that Jira Issue Type to the 'Task' issue in Swarmia (or whatever makes the most sense for your team.) That work will then show in all 'Task' views in Swarmia and you can filter on those specific support tickets in the Flow Insights.

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Then, scroll down to 'status mapping.' Some organizations can have infinite statuses and workflows in Jira. To simplify this, and make it easy to track cycle time properly in Swarmia, statuses need to be mapped here. Select which statuses coming from Jira need to be tracked as To Do, In Progress, Done, and Won't Do. If a status is not mapped to a Swarmia status, issues in that status will not be shown in Swarmia. 

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